Contains no sugar, dairy, vinegars, or gluten – in fact, no grains of any kind.
1 – 2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 or 2 tsp grated fresh ginger
Water as needed
Tamari sauce to taste – start with a couple of tsp at least
potato starch or arrowroot to thicken
tiny pinch stevia
On a gentle heat, lightly saute garlic and ginger with a little oil. Add half a cup of water and tamari and heat until mixture is hot but not yet boiling.
Meanwhile, mix a heaped tsp of potato starch or arrowroot (both are gluten and grain free) in with enough cold water to make a smooth runny paste. Add to saucepan, stirring until mixture starts to thicken – should not take long.
If mixture still too runny mix more potato starch or arrowroot in with a little cold water and repeat.
If mixture too thick add more water. Taste and add more tamari. Add a very small pinch of stevia and mix – only use amount the amount that would be picked up on the very tip of a wet finger – it is really strong stuff and if you use too much it tastes super-sweet and you get a bitter aftertaste.
Taste and add more tamari if needed or more stevia until the balance of sweet/salty is too your taste. The stevia takes the place of honey so if you can eat honey, use honey to taste instead.